Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Fire Fighter Fourth for Fresh

Freshy has been loving fire fighters ever since they visited his preschool a few months back. It was his idea to have a party at the fire station!

I felt silly, but called the local fire department to ask if it would be possible to bring the kids by to climb on a truck, or even to take some pics with one. The generous Lieutenant invited us all down for a behind the scenes tour. It was fantastic (and FREE, except for a small donation that they didn't even ask for)!

The fire fighters taught us about fire safety and also gave us a full run down of each of the rooms and vehicles.

Each of the kids got to slide down the pole (1/2 way)!

After the party we had a pinata and cake at our house. Not only was this a fun and affordable party, we all learned a lot, too!

Thank you, Windham Fire Department and Fire Fighter Pat!


Kmama said...

How fun!! I just read on someone else's blog that they had a party at the firestation. What a great idea!